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Longondraza Miaretsoa

Phd thesis


My PhD thesis aims to combine spatial and behavioural data to depict the pattern of scent-marking in Propithecus diadema. I want to assess the spatial distribution of scent marking events throughout the home range, and assess the effects of life history variables (sex, age, social rank) and the species reproductive schedule (season) on scent marking occurrence. I also want to describe the delivery pattern and the relative implication of each odorant sources in scents deposiotion (Escretes vs specialized excretions) during marking and overmarking bout. The results would be informative enough to understand the  evolutionary pressures that have shaped the species scent marking in order to infer its evolutionary functions. 

Research activities

My keen interest on animal behavior and especially animal communication started in 2011 when I decided to study the vocal repertoire of an endemic lemurs species, the Eulemur rufus, at the Bombetoka classified forest, North-Western of the Madagascar Island. That was also the begining of my collaboration with the University of Turin, Under the Supporting Co-operation for Research and Education (SCORE) Project. 

For my PhD project, I stick on animal communication, but I extended my research horizon by focusing on behavioral pattern of chemical signalling in wild population of lemurs, the Propithecus diadema. Currently, my research activity is based in Madagascar, at the protected Area of Maromizaha, located in centre eastern part of the country. The forest is one of the protected area that have been implemented recently, under the Durban vision. The forest is home of 12 endimic lemurs species, including the two largest extent lemurs, the Indrii (Indri indri) and Diademed sifaka (Propithecus diadema).

During data collection, our team are camping at the Muliti-purpose Research Center of Maromizaha. As I aim to define the species home range and home range-use, inter-group interraction, the field work consists to collect spatial data in which I tracked and georefenced the animal activities (feeding, sleeping tree, encounter, Scent-marking...) throughout the day. Besides, I also recorded behavioral data including the feeding, scent-marking, negative interractions as well as those rare behaviors such as birth and mating events whenever observed. 

Last update: 01/10/2020 21:58
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