News and events
- PREMIO NAZIONALE GIOVEDÌSCIENZA 2020 - Scadenza 28 Febbraio 2020 di Administrator, pubblicato in Events wednesday, february 19, 2020
- Academic English Course -Registration Form di Administrator, pubblicato in Seminars tuesday, january 21, 2020
- Summer School: 'Stress resilience in plants: from molecules to field'- Alba (CN) from 9 to 12 June 2020 di Administrator, pubblicato in Summer Schools friday, february 14, 2020
- Application of microbiomes in the food system - EIT FOOD: call for proosals di Administrator, pubblicato in Summer Schools wednesday, february 12, 2020
- Borse di soggiorno per la Festival Città Impresa Academy 2020 di Administrator, pubblicato in Events tuesday, february 4, 2020 Eval error:Month '-1' out of range 0..11 at /production/www/campusnet/se/ line 211. Eval error:Month '-1' out of range 0..11 at /production/www/campusnet/se/ line 211.
- Introducing the study plan and the new courses to the PhD students - 9 January 2020 di Silvia Perotto, pubblicato in Teachers' news thursday, december 12, 2019
- Introducing the study plan and the new courses to the PhD students - 9 January 2020 di Silvia Perotto, pubblicato in Teachers' news thursday, december 12, 2019
- Introducing the study plan and the new courses to the PhD students - 9 January 2020 di Silvia Perotto, pubblicato in Events thursday, december 12, 2019
- Seminar "Deciphering language and vocal learning: from human disorders to babbling bats" - 12 DICEMBRE 2019 di Silvia Perotto, pubblicato in Seminars thursday, december 12, 2019
- Seminar by Irene Stefanini - Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a tale of wine metagenomics and wasps - 12/12/2019 di Silvia Perotto, pubblicato in Seminars thursday, december 5, 2019
- Raman Day 2020 course for PhD Students - Deadline 24 January di Administrator, pubblicato in Seminars wednesday, november 27, 2019
- 8th International Conference on microbial communication for young scientists (MiCom 2020) - Registration open di Administrator, pubblicato in Summer Schools tuesday, november 26, 2019
- Workshop sulla Ricerca Bibliografica - Polo Scienze della Natura di Silvia Perotto, pubblicato in Seminars tuesday, november 19, 2019
- Lunedì 4 novembre 2019: Inaugurata la Scuola di Dottorato di UniTo di Administrator, pubblicato in Teacher notices wednesday, november 6, 2019
- 16/10/2019 Seminar by Concepción Calvo - wastewater treatment di Administrator, pubblicato in Seminars wednesday, september 25, 2019
- Ph.D. Final examination (dott.ssa Caterina Armato XXXI) October 15 di Administrator, pubblicato in Events wednesday, september 25, 2019
- Seminar on CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis in tomato - Sept. 11 di Administrator, pubblicato in Seminars friday, august 30, 2019
- Seminar: New Insights Into The Evolution of Birds, Julia A. Clarke - Monday 15th July di Silvia Perotto, pubblicato in Seminars tuesday, july 9, 2019