Corsi in ordine alfabetico
- Bioimaging from tissue to subcellular resolution
Academic year: 2024/2025
- Biomonitoring and Biodiversity Conservation (Summer School at Alpstream Centre, Ostana) (The content is awaiting updating)
Academic year: 2024/2025
- Environmental sustainability and biodiversity management
Academic year: 2024/2025
- Individual seminars
- Innovative Methods in Environmental Monitoring
Academic year: 2024/2025
- Introductory course 2012
- Introductory course 2013
- Introductory course for first year students
- Molecular and genomic approaches for biological and applied studies (COURSE ACTIVATED IN AA 2024-2025)
Academic year: 2024/2025
- PhD Toolbox (SBBA171)
- PhD Toolbox for data analysis
Academic year: 2024/2025
- Science communication and Public engagement (In Updating)
Academic year: 2024/2025
- Viral Ecology (SBBA141)
Academic year: 2024/2025
- Workshop on molecular plant-microbe interactions
- Workshop on R software in phylogenetic analyses